JohnButts@JBMedia - Reports:
Rush Limbaugh has an achey breaky heart today. Clear Channel just flipped Limbaugh's WPGB in Pittsburgh to country music. It had fallen to 11th in Pittsburgh, echoing hate radio's plummeting popularity across the country. He got picked up by the smaller WJAS in Pittsburgh, owned by Radio Partners LLC, and 7,000 watts compared to WPGB's 15,000. It is AM to boot, so likely suffers more from interference than the FM WPGB would. Pittsburgh is considered the 25th largest radio market in the U.S..
August is off to a bad start for Rush Limbaugh. Last week, he got dumped by one of his California stations, which flipped to a country music format, too, a switch the owner said was due to Stop Rush. Earlier in the year, Mr. Limbaugh was demoted to smaller stations in L.A. and San Francisco as well, the 2nd and 4th largest markets in the country, respectively.
Mr. Limbaugh seems to be floating more fringe conspiracy theories and gross misogyny lately, perhaps in hope of maintaining the hard core listeners he has left. Today it was that the border crisis is a plot to "wrest control of this country from the white majority." That is worthy of a diary of its own; I hope someone will write one up. Last week, he hyped for two days what he called his "Vagina Justice Monologue."
Advertisers don't want to be associated with either one. So, it's not a good long-term strategy, for him, or any of his stations.
Decent folks who believe in tolerance and equality are no longer powerless against Rush Limbaugh's efforts to spread intolerance on the radio. StopRush is making a major impact by convincing advertisers on this show to withdraw their ads--and with your help we can do even more. Just a few emails, tweets, or Facebook messages a week to Limbaugh's advertisers can go a long way toward making hatred less profitable. It is our collective voice that makes us strong.
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