JohnButts@JBMedia - Reports:
So, how did President Obama's meeting with Republican Governor Rick Perry go today? In a statement on
Wednesday, Obama described the meeting as "constructive," but, well, this photo also exists. It's not immediately clear what the context of this photo was — Is Perry sad? Uncomfortable? Telling a funny story?
Happy, but trying to look serious? Hmm. Perhaps someone made a joke at Perry's expense? Or maybe Perry just makes the Robert De Niro shrug face a lot for no reason. Anyway, it doesn't matter right now. Until we know more about the context, the photo will be a Rorschach test. In the future, there will be Midrash about this photo.
Happy, but trying to look serious? Hmm. Perhaps someone made a joke at Perry's expense? Or maybe Perry just makes the Robert De Niro shrug face a lot for no reason. Anyway, it doesn't matter right now. Until we know more about the context, the photo will be a Rorschach test. In the future, there will be Midrash about this photo.
Here's another angle on the moment, which shows Rick Perry still sporting an expression of what appears to be displeasure, as the room laughs around him:

According to Obama, there was little disagreement between the President and Perry during the heart of the meeting (presumably, photographers were not allowed to be present for the jucier bits of the closed roundtable discussion). "The only disagreement I had with Governor Perry," the president said, was that Perry requested Obama move forward with a plan to fix the immigration crisis without additional funds from Congress.
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