Thursday, January 8, 2015

Obama proposes two years of free community college - Yahoo News

Obama proposes two years of free community college - Yahoo News

JohnButts@JBMedia - Reports:
President Barack Obama said on Thursday he would offer a proposal in his State of the Union speech that would make two years of community college free for anyone willing to work for it.

Obama said in a video message released by the White House that in a visit to Tennessee on Friday he would announce the program to make community college accessible for everyone.

Under the proposal, students who attend at least half-time, maintain a 2.5 GPA while in college, and make steady progress toward completing their programs would have their tuition eliminated.

The White House said the program would be taken in partnership with states and was inspired by new programs in Tennessee and Chicago. If all states participate, an estimated 9 million students could benefit. A full-time community college student could save an average of $3,800 in tuition a year.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Sony Producer Says Black Actors Shouldn't Have Lead Roles Because International Audiences Are Racist

Sony Producer Says Black Actors Shouldn't Have Lead Roles Because International Audiences Are Racist

  JohnButts@JBMedia - Reports:
 An unnamed producer wrote in an email to Sony chairman Michael Lynton that films with black actors — using Denzel Washington in The Equalizer as an example — don’t perform well because the international audiences are “racist,” according to documents found in the Sony hack. The producer suggested that the two-time Oscar winner should not star in big-budget films as the international audience will not accept him in a leading role because of his race.

“I believe that the international motion picture audience is racist —in general pictures with an African American lead don’t play well overseas. When Sony made Equalizer they had to know that Denzel opens pics domestically, however the international gross would be somewhat limited,” the producer wrote in an Oct. 27 e-mail.

Lynton wrote back asking if he was saying The Equalizer “shouldn’t have been made or that African American actors should be excluded?”

“No, I am not saying ‘The Equalizer’ should not have been made or that African American actors should not have been used (I personally think Denzel is the best actor of his generation),” the producer responded. “Casting him is saying we’re ok with a double if the picture works,” the producer wrote, using a baseball analogy.

Washington is “reliable at the domestic [box office], safe, but has not had a huge success in years. I believe whenever possible the non event pictures, extra ‘bets’ should have a large inherent upside and be made for the right price. Here there isn’t a large inherent upside,” the producer wrote.

The producer also wrote that he or she hoped the statement wasn’t “inappropriate or provocative.”

The Equalizer grossed about $191 million worldwide. Approximately $90 million was earned overseas. The producer said this figure would have been higher if a black man wasn’t in the lead role.

According to the emails, a sequel to the movie was set for 2017, but would be “a double, with a remote chance of a home run.”

Calls to Denzel Washington’s publicist were not immediately returned.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Pregnant St. Louis woman loses left eye after police officer shoots non-lethal round at car - Yahoo News

Pregnant St. Louis woman loses left eye after police officer shoots non-lethal round at car - Yahoo News

JohnButts@JBMedia - Reports:
A pregnant St. Louis woman lost her left eye after a violent run-in with law enforcement earlier this week.

Dornnella Conners says an officer fired a non-lethal bean-bag round at the car she was in – shattering the passenger side window.

Shards of glass bloodied her face and robbed her of sight in her left eye, according to reports.

“I will have justice for what they did to me but I’m happy I’m alive,” she wrote on Facebook on Thanksgiving.

Conners was injured early Tuesday morning shortly after the announcement that Darren Wilson would not be indicted in the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

Crowds of demonstrators had taken to the streets to protest what they consider a travesty of justice.

Conners, who was angry about the grand jury’s decision, and her boyfriend, De’Angelas Lee, were parked at a BP gas station on New Halls Ferry Road in St. Louis, just north of Ferguson, KMOV reported.

As her boyfriend started to drive away, she says, several police officers arrived.

“They pulled up while we were coming towards the street, De’Anglas was trying to get away, they blocked us from the side, front and back,” Conners told the CBS affiliate.

That’s when an officer fired the bean bag round because he feared for his safety, police said.

Conners found another officer who could help her get medical attention.
 Dornella’s father, Donnell Conners, says he understands that the cops have a difficult job to do but there was no excuse for what happened to his daughter.

“I’m very upset, very disappointed with tactics that they used trying to get control of situation,” he told KMOV. “I understand tough job, I understand that it was chaos, there was no reason to fire upon innocent person sitting in a vehicle.”

Conners says her left eye was so badly damaged that it needed to be removed and reports blurriness in her right eyes but is thankful she can still see the world at all.

Police say they arrested 16 suspects at the station after gunshots were reportedly fired.

Authorities have issued a warrant for Lee’s arrest, according to reports.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Erdogan says Muslims, not Columbus, discovered Americas - Yahoo News

Erdogan says Muslims, not Columbus, discovered Americas - Yahoo

JohnButts@JBMedia - Reports:
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Saturday that the Americas were discovered by Muslims in the 12th century, nearly three centuries before Christopher Columbus set foot there.

"Contacts between Latin America and Islam date back to the 12th century. Muslims discovered America in 1178, not Christopher Columbus," the conservative president said in a televised speech during an Istanbul summit of Muslim leaders from Latin America.

"Muslim sailors arrived in America from 1178. Columbus mentioned the existence of a mosque on a hill on the Cuban coast," Erdogan said.

Erdogan said that Ankara was even prepared to build a mosque at the site mentioned by the Genoese explorer.

"I would like to talk about it to my Cuban brothers. A mosque would go perfectly on the hill today," the Turkish leader said.

History books say that Columbus set foot on the American continent in 1492 as he was seeking a new maritime route to India.

A tiny minority of Muslim scholars have recently suggested a prior Muslim presence in the Americas, although no pre-Columbian ruin of an Islamic structure has ever been found.

In a controversial article published in 1996, historian Youssef Mroueh refers to a diary entry from Columbus that mentions a mosque in Cuba. But the passage is widely understood to be a metaphorical reference to the shape of the landscape.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Ben Carson Kicks Off Bid For Presidency Of Country He Says Is 'Like Nazi Germany'

Ben Carson Kicks Off Bid For Presidency Of Country He Says Is 'Like Nazi Germany'

 Ben Carson presidency

JohnButts@JBmedia - Reports:
Ben Carson, the popular conservative activist who rose to national prominence in 2013 when he delivered a speech at the National Prayer Breakfast that was widely hailed in conservative circles, is apparently running for president, and kicking off his campaign this weekend with an hour-long infomercial for himself.

Though Carson has not officially declared his run for the Republican 2016 presidential nomination, the infomercial entitled Ben Carson: A Breath of Fresh Air; A New Prescription for America is set to air in 22 states and Washington D.C. after Carson’s friend and reported business manager Armstrong Williams bought airtime on numerous local and network stations to broadcast what is being called the first campaign ad of the 2016 campaign.

Just a few weeks ago, Carson said that he was reluctant to run for president in part because he feared that the 2016 presidential election might be canceled due to “widespread anarchy.”

Since his 2013 Prayer Breakfast speech, Carson has been known mainly for his controversial and hyperbolic public statements, particularly with regard to the Affordable Care and Patient Protection Act, better known as “Obamacare.”

In a speech last year, the 63-year-old Carson, an African-American and a leading neurosurgeon formerly at Johns Hopkins University, called the healthcare reform law “the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery.”

Carson has also described the healthcare law, which according to the New York Times has allowed 10 million previously uninsured Americans to obtain health coverage, as worse than the 9/11 terrorist attacks “because 9/11 was an isolated incident.” He later walked back that statement.

Carson has been a paid commentator for the conservative news network Fox News, but on Saturday, he announced that he had quit his job with the network, a move generally seen as signaling his initial entry into electoral politics.

Among his numerous other contentious public pronouncements, Carson has said that the United States “is very much like Nazi Germany,” adding, ” I know you’re not supposed to say ‘Nazi Germany,’ but I don’t care about political correctness.”

As the basis for his comparison between the United States and the fascist state of Nazi Germany, in which Jews and other minority groups were persecuted, imprisoned and murdered by the millions, Carson cites his view that, “We now live in a society where people are afraid to say what they actually believe.”

Carson did not note, however, that he, himself, delivered his Prayer Breakfast speech harshly critical of President Barack Obama with the president sitting on the podium next to him.

And yet not only did Ben Carson escape arrest and incarceration for saying what he actually believed, he was rewarded with national recognition and a paid contributor’s position on a national television network.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Woman in Philadelphia Abduction Found Alive, Kidnapper Arrested, FBI Says - Yahoo

Woman in Philadelphia Abduction Found Alive, Kidnapper Arrested, FBI Says - Yahoo

JohnButts@JBMedia - Reports:
The woman who was kidnapped on Sunday off a desolate Philadelphia street -- a harrowing crime that was caught on surveillance camera -- was found alive today in Maryland, while her abductor was arrested, authorities said.

Carlesha Freeland-Gaither, 22, was found by FBI agents inside a parked car in Jessup, Maryland.

Her alleged abductor, Delvin Barnes, 37, was arrested at the scene, according to the FBI.

Police Release Surveillance Footage of 'Person of Interest' in Philly Abduction Case

New Leads in Videotaped Philadelphia Abduction

Chilling Video Shows Woman's Abduction in Philadelphia

Ed Hanko, the special agent in charge of the Philadelphia FBI field office, said that because of tips called in from the public, investigators were "able to identify this individual, identify his car and track it into Maryland."

FBI agents were joined by U.S. Marshals and Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms agents who located the car and approached when Barnes stepped out of the vehicle.

Freeland-Gaither was found inside the car and is now being treated at a local hospital, police said.

Hanko said that she is "in good shape," but police still have not had a chance to interview her.

Freeland-Gaither's mother, whose name was not released, attended tonight's news conference and said that she has been able to speak to her daughter by phone from the hospital, but will be reunited later this evening.

"She was very upset. She was crying," she said of her daughter.

"Thank you for keeping me up. Thank you for being there for us. I'm taking my baby home," she added.

Barnes is being held as a result of an outstanding attempted capital murder warrant that was issued for him in Virginia, though he is expected to face federal charges once the ongoing investigation into Freeland-Gaither's case is complete.

Investigators said that they have no reason to believe Barnes knew his victim before the abduction.

"He's a thug and this is what he does apparently," Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey told reporters. "People like this, there's nothing that makes sense."

In the surveillance video released Monday, Freeland-Gaither can be seen fighting to get away from her attacker during Sunday's abduction.

Freeland-Gaither was pulled down the street in the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia toward the man’s car, which police believed to be a 2000 or 2002 gray Ford Taurus. At one point, she even fell to the ground to try and get away before she was pushed into the car.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Republicans Fear Paying a Price for Attacks on Interests of African Americans | Robert Creamer

Republicans Fear Paying a Price for Attacks on Interests of African Americans | Robert Creamer


JohnButts@JBMedia - Reports:
North Carolina House Speaker Thom Tillis didn't have any problem jamming through a so-called "voter ID" law that was intended to take away the voting rights of thousands of North Carolinians -- including many African Americans.

But the moment Democrats or civil rights organizations exhort African Americans to go to the polls and stand up for their right to vote -- and prevent Tillis from being elected to the U.S. Senate -- the Republicans squeal like stuck pigs.

"Oh, that's unfair, that's playing the racial card," they say. Wrong. That's being held accountable for policies that intentionally attack the interests of African Americans and millions of other ordinary voters.

With Tillis as speaker, the North Carolina legislature passed "Stand Your Ground" legislation similar to the law that allowed the acquittal of Trayvon Martin's killer in Florida. But the GOP thinks it is utterly unfair for him to be tied to the real-world consequences of his actions in government.

Community and civil rights organizations throughout the South -- and around the country -- are exhorting African American voters to go to the polls in the mid-term elections by pointing out that when African Americans don't vote they get outcomes like Ferguson, Missouri. And they are dead on. Sixty-seven percent of the city's 21,000 residents are black, but only 12 percent of the voters in the last municipal election were black. The result: a city council with only one African American member and a police force of 53 officers -- of which only three are black.

There could be no better example of what African Americans get if they don't vote. Yet the Republicans think that reference to Ferguson is "inflammatory."

It's not the least bit "inflammatory." It simply means that the African American community intends to stand up for itself in the political process.

It is tribute to the fact that the leaders of African American organizations realize that if you're not at the table, you're on the menu -- and that goes for all of us.

Democrats and everyday Americans of all backgrounds should take a lesson from the way African American leaders are standing up for President Obama. They are pointing out in radio spots and mailings that while it is perfectly legitimate to criticize the president in a democratic society; many of his Republican and right-wing
critics have crossed the line to disrespect. They are telling African American voters: "It's up to us to have the president's back -- vote."

Republicans don't like to hear that. In fact, the corporate CEOs and Wall Street billionaires who control the Republican Party -- in coalition with groups of tea party extremists -- don't want most ordinary Americans to wake up and go the polls.

That doesn't just go for African Americans. They are hoping that Hispanics, women, working people, and young people of all sorts stay home and forget there is an election. That way they hope they can elect a Republican Senate so that if a vacancy occurs on the Supreme Court they can prevent President Obama from appointing a justice that is not in Wall Street's back pocket.

They want a Senate that can work with the tea party-controlled House to hold the president and the country hostage unless they are allowed to slash tax rates for big business, eliminate the Medicare guarantee, cut Social Security benefits, gut the regulation of Wall Street, dramatically restrict women's right to choose and limit access to contraception. And none of that is an exaggeration. Those are the positions they put right on their campaign websites.

If you are reading this article and haven't voted, make a plan right now for how you plan to vote before Tuesday. In most states you can vote by mail, vote early at many locations or -- of course -- go to your precinct on Tuesday and cast your ballot.

Figure out now what time you plan to vote and how you plan to get to the polls or the early vote location. Don't put it off.

Many critical elections in state after state are on a knife's edge -- they will be decided by a handful of voters.

Tens of thousands of Americans have given their lives -- on battlefields far away and in struggles for voting rights here at home -- so that every single American can have the right to have a say in determining our country's leaders.

If you think that it doesn't matter -- or that it won't affect you, or that your vote won't influence the outcome -- you are simply wrong.

In the end the big issues that completely shape our individual lives and the future of our society are decided by who votes.

Will there be job opportunities for our kids? Will a small group of Wall Street speculators be allowed to sink our economy once again like they did in 2008? Will you have the right to control your own reproductive decisions? Will your monthly Social Security check be cut? Will we leave our kids a planet that is so filled with carbon pollution that we can't grow enough food or our cities are regularly swamped by monster storms like Hurricane Sandy? Will ordinary people finally get wage increases from our growing economy or will all of the growth continue to be siphoned off by the wealthiest one percent?

If you don't plan to vote, are you really willing to allow the billionaires and CEOs to get what they want? Are you willing to let them steal your family's security while we sleep through the election?

Don't let it happen. Get up off the couch and go vote. Better still, call your neighbors, your sons and daughters. Tell your spouse to vote. Volunteer with a campaign to get other people out to vote -- it works.

The plain fact is that if we don't vote it won't just be some politician who loses an election. If we don't vote, we lose.